California RBS

California RBS

Drinking alcohol isn’t bad for you if you consume it in limited amount. However, it can pose severe health risks if you go on heavily drinking alcohol for long. It affects your physical and mental health and takes away your interest from your responsibilities and routine activities.

Many people resort to excessive drinking when they are unable to deal with the hardships of life. However, considering its long-term and short-term impacts on your health, it isn’t worth it. Also, life becomes even more challenging for alcoholics. Here’s how binge alcohol drinking affects your body.

Immune System

Drinking is extremely harmful for your health. It weakens your immune system which reduces resistance against diseases. Consequently, your health declines and you’ll fall ill more often. Alcoholics are more prone to suffering from different respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia


Alcohol tends to interfere with the functions of brain. A majority of drinkers face temporary amnesia the morning after drinking, which may lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome or WKS. It is a brain disorder that tempers with your memory. You cannot create new memories and will feel confused. Abnormal eye movements, eyelid drooping and incoherent mumblings are its common symptoms. If the problem stays, it may lead you to coma or death.


Excessive drinking can take a toll on your liver. Your liver turns alcohol into acetaldehyde which is a toxic material and is the major cause of liver cancer. It causes liver inflammation. Also, regular drinking causes your body fat to accumulate in your liver. As a consequence, it cannot perform its functions and affects your physical health.

If you’re already suffering from alcoholic hepatitis, alcohol consumption can become fatal for you. It causes cirrhosis, a condition in which liver cells do not regenerate. If the patient doesn’t stop drinking, they may experience liver failure.


Alcohol causes irritation in the stomach lining. Excessive drinking can lead to ulcers. The person can suffer from anemia if the stomach lining is torn. Also, it causes stomach to produce more acid. Stomach pain is quite common in alcoholics, and is generally caused due to cholecystitis or inflammation of gallbladder.

Short-Term Health Effects of Alcohol

Here are some short-term impacts of alcohol that may arise if you consume alcohol in huge amounts:

  • Mood swings
  • Slurred speech
  • Vomiting
  • Low body temperature
  • Nausea
  • Impaired judgment
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Sleep disruptions



If you work as a bartender, it is your responsibility to prevent patrons from becoming intoxicated. If they get involved in a vehicle accident after drinking at your bar, you may face penalties that will affect your career. Ace Food Handler offers California RBS Training that will give you a better understanding of legalities. These certificates are approved by the local health departments.

Contact them today to get certified!



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