
Ohio Person in Charge

Ohio Person in Charge

The increasing cases of food borne illnesses have made it necessary for food businesses to adopt food safety standards. As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 48 million cases of food borne illness are reported every year in the US alone. The problem mainly arises due to unawareness about the importance of safe food handling.

Nowadays, customers have become more conscious about the food they’re consuming. Many state laws have been implemented to ensure their well-being. Adopting food safety standards doesn’t only benefit customers, but businesses can also make the most of them, especially in terms of improving their quality of food.

Protect Your Reputation:

Food safety standards are extremely important in maintaining the reputation of a business. You’ll end up losing your customers if your food quality is low or food borne cases are frequently reported by your customers. The lesser the food hazards, the more customers will prefer to visit an eatery. Consequently, it’ll increase sales and profits for your business.

What many people don’t know is that fresh fruits and vegetables have a higher risk of spreading food-borne illness. Inefficient handling of meat is another major reason. You can improve the hygiene conditions of your restaurant by adopting food safety standards.

It is a Requirement in the State of Ohio:

Before launching a business, it’s extremely important to know about legal requirements. Many states in the US oblige food businesses to get food handling certification. Make sure you have sufficient evidences that your staff is fully trained and certified. It’ll help you avoid getting into any legal issues in the future. Even if food handler training isn’t a requirement in your state, you should get certified to improve your food and service quality and achieve business growth.

Reduce Waste:

Food safety training programs also assist in reducing waste. The efficient handling of food keeps it from getting spoiled. The reduction in food waste also helps you save costs.

If quality of food is low, a lot of your time will be wasted in listening to customer complaints and taking actions accordingly. Food safety certification improves hygiene conditions which will reduce customer complaints. You can enhance the productivity of your employees and reduce costs with a verified food safety program.

Attract More Investors:

In order to grow your business, you’ll need more investment. However, the increasing competition in market and a high failure rate of startup restaurants has made it difficult to find potential investors. Food safety programs give you an edge over your competitors and help you grow your business by attracting investors as well as customers.

Reduce Insurance Premiums:

If you intend to insure your business, food safety certification can help you get it at lower premium rates. Poor hygiene conditions increase the risks for a business. Food safety standards such as staff training, verified suppliers and logs of storage unit temperatures keep you from paying a huge amount in terms of premiums.

Ohio Level 1 Food Safety Training


Ace Food Handler trains professional workers for better food handling. It is extremely important to ensure the well-being of customers. It issues food handling cards in different states of the US. The Ohio Person in Charge Certification indicate that the professional chef is capable of handling food items in a safe manner. The certification courses guide them on all necessary precautions. Contact them today to get certified!

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